Saturday, 12 May 2012

Skatepark EDIT 2012

SkatePark Edit 2012 by thedropinn
SkatePark Edit 2012, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.
Youth Needed! Your Skatepark needs you!
*Others are more than welcome to get involved if you use the skate park and want your say.

Are you happy with Belper Skatepark?

What would you want to do to change it?

First meeting is the 28th May at 6pm till 7.30pm.

At The Drop Inn, Unit 1, Derwent Street.


GUIDANCE – Youth Committee
* To get involved, be motivated to gather research from young people
* Identify possible funding streams (support provided)
* Give a commitment of at least 1 evening per month for 1 year
* To spread information as to other relevant groups
* To organise fund raising activities
* To log meetings and produce an action plan (be Creative using Photo's / Blogs / Film Doc?)
* To identify improvements to the skatepark area and see to it they get done!

GUIDANCE – Youth Committee Sub Group
* To support the youth committee in its functions
* To assist with the gathering of information for the group
* To feed information into the youth committee and from the youth committee
* To participate in fun raising activities as and when required

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Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events