Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Lloyds Community Awards - Votes Open !!!

We grow musicians for the future and bring positive changes to the lives of young people and the community they live in.

Please click on "The Drop Inn" Lloydstsb community fund profile to make a vote.

Follow the same link to see what we are using the money for if we are the luckiest Charity in Derbyshire.

Installation of lighting, heating and shelving to our music room would enable us to use different types of music at any time as a medium to engage more young people of any ability in projects encouraging them to express themselves, build self respect, self confidence and discipline, leading to peer mentoring and performances in the community, including planning and promotion of events. Mainly (but not exclusively) targeting less academic or underachieving youth, we will support and give them opportunities to complete relevant OCN accredited courses enabling college admission if appropriate. When not being used by young people, the music room would be available and suitable for use by any member of the community for a minimal fee � this not only brings small income towards any repairs and running costs giving sustainability, it also gives the young people an opportunity to gain basic experience of budgeting and managing room hire.

The fund would give all young people the opportunity to take part, try out, or improve music and recording skills, irrelevant of their ability, social background, income etc. The few facilities which offer this type of activity are often costly making them exclusive � our facility will be fully inclusive for all young people aged 12 � 18 at times when they want it and free of charge. Young people who have an interest in music but do not engage with school use our centre now � with the expansion of our music facility we can help them reach their full potential and engage in a more positive way within the wider community. Through our links with the local music industry we are able to ensure opportunities for progression towards employment.

>>> Here is the Link Again <<<

Thank You so much for all your support!

Di-Bands go down a storm at Bearded Theory

This Year The Drop Inn Produced Artwork, and sent some Youth Bands  to perform at The Bearded Theory Festival 2012:

Click Link Below to read more ...

Belper bands go down a storm at Bearded Theory - News - Belper News

We also brought with us a our new Youth Media Team. We'll be uploading the footage they collected of the amazing weekend in the next few weeks once they have edited it all.

Friday, 18 May 2012

BTF 2012

Jasper In The Company Of Others playing unplugged straight after their amazing stage performance.

Unfortunately the stage was running two hours late so they onlt got to play 4 songs.

The 4 songs they played pulled a bigger crowd than some of the later bands.

Hopefully main stage next yeah guys, you deserve it, what an amazing performance!

Thursday, 17 May 2012


URBANITES by thedropinn
URBANITES, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

URBANITES - The new ongoing art collection from in house artist B45K.

These have been created as part or a raw art / illustration exhibition for Bearded Theory 2012.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Willington Arts Festival 2012

Illustration sessions on the Sunday. It was busy all day with 50 Young people getting involved. It was a messy and lots of fun.

Skatepark EDIT 2012

SkatePark Edit 2012 by thedropinn
SkatePark Edit 2012, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.
Youth Needed! Your Skatepark needs you!
*Others are more than welcome to get involved if you use the skate park and want your say.

Are you happy with Belper Skatepark?

What would you want to do to change it?

First meeting is the 28th May at 6pm till 7.30pm.

At The Drop Inn, Unit 1, Derwent Street.


GUIDANCE – Youth Committee
* To get involved, be motivated to gather research from young people
* Identify possible funding streams (support provided)
* Give a commitment of at least 1 evening per month for 1 year
* To spread information as to other relevant groups
* To organise fund raising activities
* To log meetings and produce an action plan (be Creative using Photo's / Blogs / Film Doc?)
* To identify improvements to the skatepark area and see to it they get done!

GUIDANCE – Youth Committee Sub Group
* To support the youth committee in its functions
* To assist with the gathering of information for the group
* To feed information into the youth committee and from the youth committee
* To participate in fun raising activities as and when required

Thursday, 10 May 2012

B45K creating

B45K working on Bearded Theory 2012 Art installations. The whole Drop Inn is covered in thick dust from sanding all the boards down ready to paint illustrations onto a smooth surface.

NANO Creating more aretworkin the Background. He's creating 40 NANO PEEPS this year.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Di @ Bearded Theory 2012 Promo

The Drop Inn Arena @ Bearded Theory 2011 Last year was incredible, We cant wait to return next week with our new DecoyTV (Youth Media Team), our resident artists B45K and NANO, and JASPER our live music volunteer is running a stage. We are very excited !!!

Check out the promo vid from what we did last year ...

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

DecoyTV (Youth Media Team)

DecoyTV (Youth Media Team) by thedropinn
DecoyTV (Youth Media Team), a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.
DecoyTV is our new Youth Media team.

The media team had their first meeting last night.
They planned what they will be doing at some of the events coming up soon.

The first BIG event is Bearded Theory Festival, were DecoyTV will be covering the festival from a fresh and exciting Youth point of view. They'll be looking for what is cool for Young People to do and also asking what they might want to see there in future.

The DecoyTV calendar is filling up rapidly, with loads more organisations and local events wanting coverage / research / mini-docs and promotional films making.

This project is shaping up to be our biggest this year. Look out for DecoyTV

Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events