Please click on "The Drop Inn" Lloydstsb community fund profile to make a vote.
Follow the same link to see what we are using the money for if we are the luckiest Charity in Derbyshire.
Installation of lighting, heating and shelving to our music room would enable us to use different types of music at any time as a medium to engage more young people of any ability in projects encouraging them to express themselves, build self respect, self confidence and discipline, leading to peer mentoring and performances in the community, including planning and promotion of events. Mainly (but not exclusively) targeting less academic or underachieving youth, we will support and give them opportunities to complete relevant OCN accredited courses enabling college admission if appropriate. When not being used by young people, the music room would be available and suitable for use by any member of the community for a minimal fee � this not only brings small income towards any repairs and running costs giving sustainability, it also gives the young people an opportunity to gain basic experience of budgeting and managing room hire.
The fund would give all young people the opportunity to take part, try out, or improve music and recording skills, irrelevant of their ability, social background, income etc. The few facilities which offer this type of activity are often costly making them exclusive � our facility will be fully inclusive for all young people aged 12 � 18 at times when they want it and free of charge. Young people who have an interest in music but do not engage with school use our centre now � with the expansion of our music facility we can help them reach their full potential and engage in a more positive way within the wider community. Through our links with the local music industry we are able to ensure opportunities for progression towards employment.
Thank You so much for all your support!