Friday, 25 June 2010

Project Planning

The staff have been bouncing some really good idea's around for future projects. We are starting to long projects over the summer. One will be called 'Future Youth' which is an environmental project, and the other will be a music production and broadcasting project, which will see the return of Shookz! If this isn't exciting enough, We are looking at starting under 18 band nights towards the end of summer one Thursday night a month, and also hosting Derbyshires biggest U.V party when the nights get darker early as a fund raiser for more U.V products. We have also started planning a 'Youth Image + Style Design' project based on stereotype groups and how Youth fashions create different Youth Groups, We would be looking at designing and showcasing some new Youth fashion idea's designed by our Youth People. These projects are going to shape the new directions The Drop Inn is heading for this next decade!

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Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events