Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Finished Skate Ramp

Finished Skate Ramp
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The Finished Skate Ramp. Now we just need to get the insurance cover, and safety equipment so the under 18's can skate it!! It will be open as soon as it is safe to do so.

Finishing Skate Ramp
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Nick Putting the final rail on the top of the ramp. This is the final piece to be added to the ramp before it is safe to skate.

Finishing Skate Ramp
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Finishing the last surface of the indoor skate ramp. The ramp will have four sections in total for mobility. We have limited space for a ramp this size to be out for use all the time. So this unique design makes it a very original portable indoor half pipe!!

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