Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Knife Crime Project

As many of you will have seen in the papers recently there have been a lot of reports about Knife crime and young people. After seeing all the storeys in the media the young people of the drop inn decided it was time to do some research about what young people think and feel about Knife crime.The young people have been collecting news paper clippings and headlines which have been displayed on a wall. The articles that the young people picked out of the papers were then stuck to the feature wall in the drop inn, and the headlines were highlighted in colour. This research wall has become a permanent feature wall in the warehouse space. Quite a few people have been stopping by to read The Knife Crime wall.

Knife Crime Wall
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The Knife Crime Wall.
The first collection of research for the knife crime project, presented as a collage on the wall.

Questionnaires have been handed out to the youth to find out what they feel about young people, the media and knife crime, we have got 58 responses in one night and only one stupid one! Thank you to all who filled in the questions. It's all research for one of the major projects running through this year. Questionnaires have also been given to older generations and there is a plan to do a questionnaire for police , schools etc.

Thanks again.

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