Monday, 8 December 2008


This was the first re:union for The Drop Inn, so it was a trial to see how successful it would be to hold an over 18's party for the original members. We raised the age limit to 20+, to make the divide between members. The usual age limit is up to 17, so we wanted to attract the older member that would have been through The Drop Inn a few years ago and moved on. It was fun trying to chase everybody up. The night was crazy and really nice seeing everyone again!

Re:union poster
Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The original nutters

Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Haha some things never change

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Hand over of flowers to Andrea to say thanks from the Original members.

We will be definately having another re:union next year, but probably hold it in the summer so it's different. Then the year after that is the big 10th year anniversary!!

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