Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Graffiti Boards

Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Think of something, anything. and i bet its made up of something smaller.
take an idea for example, its starts off as something small, then you add to it with other small ideas. next thing you know you have a huge idea of something you want to do.
We have applied this concept physically at the drop inn through the form of graffiti art.
we each have a small wooden board in which to paint on our ideas, these (when finished) will be placed on the wall to create the bigger picture. So the more of the small boards that are created, the bigger the picture will be.

Our thoughts are just as important as our heart beat, and just as frequent too. These graffiti boards are to basically take a still image of our thoughts, therefore there is no limit or restrictions to what is painted on them.

more blank boards will be available this Thursday for anyone else wanting to show the world their thoughts in colour.
see you guys soon


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