Saturday, 21 April 2012

Zoo Party Fundraiser

The Zoo Party Fundraiser went really well we raised £1008.00 over the two nights.

There was an under 18's "Rave to Save - Safe Rave" with £1 entry on the friday night as part of the Zoo Party, then the official Zoo Party on the Saturday night.

The target was to raise £750 which is what the sponsored Barclays Bank will match fund up to.

Which means on top of what we have raised over the weekend Barclays will match fund the £750, so it has been a great weekend, lots of fun and a good turn out of supporters.

Zoo Party Deco by thedropinn
Zoo Party Deco, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

The bar has been decorated aswell for the Zoo party fundraiser. Loads of time and effort has gone into setting up this themed party. Thank you again to all who helped

Zoo Party fundraiser by thedropinn
Zoo Party fundraiser, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

Big Thank Yout to Everyone who attended and volunteered over the weekend, and a Big Thank You to Barclays Bank.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Drop Inn is evolving

Node56 Promo Scan by thedropinn
Node56 Promo Scan, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

The Drop Inn is expecting to give birth this May time to the next generation.

Name: Node56
Estimated weight: Heavy creativity
Gender: Mulitimedia Network / Events / Research Initiatives / Marketing

Business in The Community Breakfast

Business Breakfast by thedropinn
Business Breakfast, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

We would like to invite you to a breakfast meeting at the Drop Inn.

It's an opportunity to Network with other local businesses as well as learn about new initiatives in apprenticeships and youth placements from representatives, Derby College
Barclay's Business Team, and some promotional companies such as Graphic Results and Signs Express.

The Drop Inn would also like to show off it's refurbished premises, and also show new visitors what the organisation does for it's community.

This event will also be the Launch of a new social enterprise called Node56. This new company has evolved out of the creative work and networking The Drop Inn charity has been pushing over the last 5 years. Node56 is the marketing, research and events trading arm for The Drop Inn, it is build from all the creative nodes from the Drop Inn organisation.

Please call in from 8am Wednesday the 18th, network with other local businesses, discover what The Drop Inn does in the Community, access information about apprenticeships and business advice, find local promotional companies to boost your business, and enjoy free refreshments and breakfast.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Willington DJ Workshop 2012

Shookz is running DJ workshops around Willington for the lead up to the Willington arts festival.

On the 7th of May some of the work and progress of participants will be showcased as short mixes, which will also be burnt to CD.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Zoo Party

Zoo Project2 by thedropinn
Zoo Project2, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

The ZOO party is a big fundraising event.

We are converting our space into a massive party ZOO!

It's the first event we are putting on a bar,
after building the brand new Di-Bar, it will be serving refreshments, cocktails, and mixers.

This event is also sponsored by Barclays Bank, who are matching pound for pound what we raise.

It's going to be another big event, we can't wait.

Rave2Save 'Safe Rave' Flyer

We are running our first 'Safe Rave' of 2012 as a fundraiser for the centre and future 'Safe Raves.'

This is the first charges under 18's night we have done. It will be £1 entry.

There is also an accidental ZOO theme to keep things more original fun, and worth paying the small entry fee for.

Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events