Monday, 31 October 2011

Halloween Party 2011

IMG_0936 by thedropinn
IMG_0936, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

The staff had to wear compulsory fancy dress costumes.

IMG_0933 by thedropinn
IMG_0933, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

One of a favorite Scary costumes. There wasn't many Youth that dressed up, but the ones that did had make the effort with some brilliant costumes.

IMG_0926 by thedropinn
IMG_0926, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

This is some of the scary decorations put up to make the Drop inn look haunted. It looks amazing! Thank You to Andrea, Shush, Ant and some of the Drop In Youth so setting it all up.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Please Follow

Saturday, 22 October 2011

New stickers

We have made a few new sticker designs, and printed off a few hundred. Grab them at our centre and get tagging everywhere.

Friday, 21 October 2011


NODE56 rev2 by thedropinn
NODE56 rev2, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

Node56 is a Limited company ran buy volunteers of the Drop Inn. It is a Events organising and marketing company, who also run media workshops in communities. Node56 also trades for the Drop Inn and will raise regular small amounts of money to donate to the Youth Charity. It's planning to start trading the beginning of 2012. Looks like next year will start of with another new member to the Drop Inn family. We will keep everyone updated with the progress of Node56.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Deviantart Profile

We have set up a Deviantart profile to upload all out creative idea's. We have got a Sound Cloud Profile for our music, Youtube for films, Flickr for Photo's, and on most of the major social networks for contacts. There was never a play for our creative arts projects, so we've set this profile up to share our art ideas. There isn't much on there yet but keep watching it will be filled with art soon enough.

Click Here to see Deviantart profile

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Halloween Party Poster 2011

Halloween 2011 by thedropinn
Halloween 2011, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

We do a Christmas party every year, so this year we have decided to celebrate Halloween in a bigger way as well.

There is loads of work going into the decorations and planning of this event. The Drop Inn is going to look really spooky and haunted.

Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events