Thursday, 28 July 2011

Re:space Cinn Plans

We are looking at ways to improve our projection space. We are thinking of adding surround sound and boxing the projector in properly. The essential work will be the re-building of the roof, so we can use the space above for storage and put better lighting inside. We are trying to raise some funds for all this work, and hoping to start the work before the New Year.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Coppice Brook Clean up

Coppice Brook Clean up by thedropinn
Coppice Brook Clean up, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

We started where the Coppice Brook meets the River Derwent, near Belper Rugby Club.

We fetched 4 bin bags full of rubbish from the first section of the brook.

Coppice Brook Clean up by thedropinn
Coppice Brook Clean up, a photo by thedropinn on Flickr.

The second section of the Coppice brook we cleared was through Belper Parks Nature reserve. It was here we found an old inflatable boat, sledges, newspaper bag, and loads of broken glass. This section took a lot longer to clean up.

We filled the back of a land rover with all the rubbish. The next stage is to sort through all the bags and send it off to be recycled.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Olympic Torch Nomination

Adie has been nominated to carry the Olympic Torch to represent the voluntary sector. He was nominated by V after winning the Vinspired National award earlier this year. Fingers crossed Adie, it's amazing news!

Thursday, 21 July 2011


The sun or lack of sun must be getting to us. First the concept of Street Animation now the invention of a sumer extremely extreme sport. It could work we have a skate ramp and a basketball hoop, just need to work out how to make it a little more safe, then game on.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Street Animation Concept

We've done Street Dance, Street Graffiti, Street Music styles so we thought we would try and develop a Street art concept. Lets see where this idea goes

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Summer Programme

We have wanted to put a summer program together for years and aim it to a slightly younger age and up to 17. It would run like an out of school arts and crafts projects. With all the busy events we've had over this year we won't have tim to plan one, but it's in te pipeline for 2012. We probably wont do as many festivals so we're thinking of staying local to our centre and running some creative workshops.

Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events