This is a story of the Drop Inn's Bearded Theory Adventure!
This weekend will be full of SUPERKAINE’d individuals, and UNKNOWN CREATURES of the night who are INTERAVINIT. We’ll be travelling in RICHARD AND THE RAFTERS vessel known as the PARADISE 9. We’ll be sheltered under the URBAN CANVAS sails which are meant to be WHITEMOOR than black, they are shaped in a huge rectANGLE, and have been covered in u.v NANO dust and graffiti. Travelling Over RIPTIDE’s and through SMOKE STACK’s to support ROBINSON, a man who knows THE BEARDED THEORY, and is on YOUR PLATFORM’s. On the way RICKY MEAKIN shouts “Hey MAESTRO, where’s the happy music, I’m in the mood for a crazy PANIC DANCE, you know how it goes.” OPERAND searched for some good GRADE of music on the WIRELESS to warm the hearts of the travellers, and get people in the mood for this big weekend. He gets SQUIGZ to stop scratching his itch and lay down a SHOOKZ track, featuring MC SPYDA, who’s got has THIS WICKED TONGUE for lyrics. Suddenly these STUNT BROTHERS burst through the PATCHWERKS of THePETEBOX, which was sat full of beer on Richards vessel next to HAYLEY & ANDRA. The two brothers Accidentally SKAIRPIGG’s not JASPER AND THE COMPANY OF OTHERS. Who had been teasing this DIRTY BEAR who was happy BASKing in the sun with the PANTS PRIEST all the way to the DROP INN ARENA, which is one of 7 amazing areas at this Derbyshire Festival. NATHAN HADLEY tries to put on a serious face and tells them to Stop acting a MONKEYS UNCLE. He recites from THE CODE written years ago by one of the original traveller’s know as JIMBO DOOMFACE the pirate. The Travellers code speaks of KEDLESTON HALL island. The original tail of the island was discovered by Dr FRANKENSTEIN and inherited by CHLOE-JADES grandfather, who kindly translated the pirates code so people can find this PARTY.
If this story of adventure doesn’t makes sense, please visit the Drop Inn Arena 13th – 15th May 2011 at the Bearded theory Festival, Kedleston Hall. The only gaps in this story are you guys!