Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Filmcity session 5 of filming

Filmcity session 5
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
This was the second shoot of the classroom scene focusing on the pupils in the class.

Filmcity session 5
Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Monday, 29 June 2009

NEW Internet cafe

NEW Tinternet cafe
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The opening of the NEW Tinternet cafe, with three brand new computers donated by Belper School a brighter, smarter paint job and with FREE Wi-Fi.

Thursday, 25 June 2009


We won an Award at the DAFTAs for the Best Our School / Our Place Nominations. We came first place Key Stage 3 for the Award which we are really happy about.The short film war made on the taster day in the Easter holidays, it was fun to make - people had to film, direct, edit and act! The idea was a short promotional film about the Drop Inn. This was our first attempt - we have improved through the film project running at the moment on Tuesday nights. We are looking forward to next years, where we will enter some more films. Can we just say a big thank you to Film City for working with us on this film resulting in winning another Award, Thank you Film City!

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Posing with the models outside the main entrance to the DAFTAs

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
All the Award winners gathered together at the end for a bit photo shoot.

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Waking up the Red carpet to the awards ceremony

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Filmcity - Session 4 of filming

The class room scene was all focused on the teacher this take. There was a few of the main characters missing unfortunately. The class room scene will be re-shot next week along side the club scene. This week was saved by some brilliant acting from Adie, who was playing both the teacher in the class room and the teacher dreaming of his younger self in a rock band.

Filmcity session
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Adie was made up to look like the teacher character

Filmcity session
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
This scene concentrated on the day dream of the teacher from the exam.

Filmcity session
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The teachers dream of being a young rock star

Monday, 22 June 2009

Loop Response

Experimental sound track created by our new loop pedal, Jasper and Phil. Jasper started with a beat box which built into a crazy loop of noise. Then Phil came along and plugged the amp in and started jamming to the loops. From this everyone was taking it in turns to build sound tracks on the loop pedal then respond by jamming to the beats. The rest of the young people were chilling out side in the sun listening to the madness, which actually sounded quite good!

Cater for the Skater

Cater for the Skater
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
This summer we are hoping to install a portable mini indoor skate park. We did try to design and plan a skate park last year. but the designs ended up too complex and very costly. This year we have looked at a more realistic outcome. Our group of regular skaters have come up with the desired ramps, boxes and rails that can all be build and made portable. There will be another update when the work has started.

Cater for the Skater
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
This is an example of what the skaters have to do now. We don't mind but it's ruining the sofa's and it's not great for skating on!


A couple of The Drop Inn young people and staff teamed up with the Glenholme young people and staff to re-decorate some of Glenholmes main rooms. Glenholme is a residential home for young people, which after the work looks a really smart hostel. The Lounge, hall way and education room were all refurbished with some original idea's coming from the Young People, Tom and Graffiti Pete! Thank You to Tim and Maddy for taking part on behalf of The Drop Inn, you worked really hard and gave a really positive impact. D-i x

Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Re:space [3]

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
In about three weeks time the work we've been doing in the main space will be unveiled. It's an exciting development which will change the main space into an even brighter and club style space.

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
This is another 3D art instillation. Now we have the random 3 T.V's in the corner and some speakers. This board still needs painting, then U/V adding.

Filmcity - Session 3 of filming

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
This is a shot of the skate of scene. It was the hardest shot to get right so far due to the noise and constant changing of the shade from the sun. Every scene looks so different so far, so see how it gel's together at the end. D-i x

Leaving Present

Leaving Present
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Nathaniel's leaving present. There will now be a Drop Inn sign seen in Norwich.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

NEW games Room

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The opening of our new games room was a success. We now have a brand new pool table, which is 20p a game. Now we also have table football which is also 20p. Since opening in 2000 The Drop Inn young people have been asking for a table football, and now we have one!

New Games Room
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Unavailing of the new games room. The home made ribbon was cut by Barry Bacon. The first ten games were free on the poll table and the table foot ball. The Police played our young people, and lost! We're going to find the trophy out and start up the pool champions again. The tournament used to run each year, so now we have a brand new table we're going to sort arrange to start it again.

New Games Room
Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Games room opening
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Brand new pool table which came with the table football. Both supplied by Morely Leisure Centre, so we would like to say a huge thank you for all their support, you have made some youth very happy people (And of course the staff are really enjoying the new attractions)

Games room opening
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The brand new table football is a new favorite already. The police had a go and found they were no match for our skilled youth. Bring on some competitions!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Filmcity - Session 2 of filming

The Girl crying in her bed room scene was shot this session. The film angles used were so inventive and made the film look different again. It was shot in the girls toilets which has bright pink walls, which made this scene stand out with a different style!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Holbrook Fete /09

Holbrook Fete
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
It couldn't have been a nicer day. We had the best weather and raised a respectable amount of money towards table football. Thank you to everybody who helped and supported us, and thank you for all the donations. We raised £115 on our main stall and £12 of our promotions stall. Looking forward to the next one!

D-i x

Holbrook Fete
Originally uploaded by thedropinn

Tagged (Scarborough)

Tagged (Scarborough)
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
There are loads of Drop Inn tagged around sunny Scarborough now. If there is anyone going away please ask for some stickers and tag you Holiday destination.

D-i x

Film project - Start of filming

Film project
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
The film project is going really well. It is so impressive to watch The Drop Inn get turned around with in 10 minutes to create different scenes. It's looking really good so far.

Film project
Originally uploaded by thedropinn
This is the first scene being filmed. The Lounge has changed into the Geek characters bedroom, where He's watching a horror film. Really good acting and some clever camera work!

Re:space [2]

Originally uploaded by thedropinn
Work has started on Re-designing the main space. We are in the process of adding new lights and smartening up the rusty old beams holding the roof up. Once finished it will contain Derbyshire's best U.V venue!

D-i x

Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events