Monday, 9 December 2002

Secured new premises

After attending a meeting at Belper Town Council at the request of the Police and Amber Valley Borough Council, I made contact with a property owner and secured new premises in Derwent Street, non residential area and large warehouse space. We take over the premises from January, the rent is very high but the space and location are perfect.

Tuesday, 9 July 2002

Donations including a computer

MP Patrick McGloughlin paid us a visit giving his approval.
BT Connexions donated us a computer ( internet ready).
Bargate neighbourhood watch donated £50

Performance about Drugs awareness

The whole month was dedicated to Drugs Awareness for all. It involved a performance of ‘Clean’ for the young people which was hard hitting. We held an open day for parents with SPODA, ADACTION, and POLICE in attendance with displays. The attendance from the public and parents was disappointing but at least we tried. A rock band came together made up of Laura Taylor (Drop Inn), Jake Gordan (Adaction) Gary Wilks (Spoda) and Steve Holme (Police).
The Rotary Club challenged us to a skittles match, hosted by the Imperial Vaults in King Street.
Belper Celebration committee made a donation of £100.

Wednesday, 24 April 2002

The sad death of Lucy

Saw the death of Lucy, an 18 year old heroin addict who was a regular visitor to the Drop Inn.
Pool match against the Police, we were out for revenge for last years performance but failed to make the grade – they won again – they must cheat something terrible.
Safeway asked us to make a giant spaceship to re-launch their extended store. With only a few days notice we made a GIANT spaceship which we couldn’t get out of our door! After carrying it down King Street and to Safeway, they told us it was too big!!

Monday, 18 March 2002

Connexions Help repair flood damage

Connexions Derbyshire made us a grant of £5000 to repair and re-fit after the earlier flood damage, Councillor Ben Millar also publically showed his support for the Drop Inn.
After the re-fit we re opened and launched as a training centre to add to our activities offered. This was supported by Belper School.

Saturday, 9 February 2002

Closed regarding vandalism

After complaints of vandalism from DJ communications (next door) and Romac (across the road) we made the decision to close for 2 weeks to help the police tackle criminal activities. The vandalism was denied and defended by members of the Drop Inn and names of the culprits were passed to the police, showing responsibility by the majority of the young people.

Monday, 7 January 2002


On reopening after the Christmas break we walked in to find the basement under water. All our equipment which had been stashed away for the Grotto was under water. The Belper News reporter arrived before the Fire Brigade! It took 3 hours to pump out the basement, Bingorama supported us again by bringing hot drinks over free of charge to all the people helping with the clean up operation. TVs, Computers and furniture were brought out soaking wet to be scrapped. The next morning Alan Benfield electrician came in and made the centre safe, we re opened the same night with half the space until the rest of the rooms could be mad safe.
We received £100 from the Police recovered property auction. Various items of furniture and equipment were donated after an appeal went out.

Up-and-Coming Drop Inn Events